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dilluns, 19 de març del 2018

Sherlock play

Last week, 3rd and 4th level groups enjoyed a very fun musical adventure play about the famous character Sherlock Holmes and his niece, Stella Holmes, as well as the best well-known places in London.
We enjoed it a lot!
Here you are some photos.

dissabte, 3 de febrer del 2018


These days we are working on Unit 2: Animals World. Here you are 2 interesting videos:

Animals Classification

and Parts of the body

And a link to the british council website with loads of interesting online activities:

Let's learn about Animals!!

diumenge, 14 de gener del 2018

Museu Picasso

El passat dimecres 10 de gener, els alumnes de 3r vam visitar el Museu Picasso de Barcelona. Ha estat una activitat relacionada amb l'Art.
Un cop arribats, les monitores els hi han fet una foto i els van posar els seus noms per poder identificar-los i entrar al museu.

 Seguidament van fet la visita al museu. Van parar davant de 4 quadres, retrats. Després d'observar el quadre, els nens/es parlaven del que veien, el que passava, les monitores ho contextualitzaven i feien preguntes obertes. La participació va ser molt enriquidora.
 Un cop al taller els hi han explicat l'activitat, "Fem d'artistes", dibuixem i ens dibuixem.


 Un cop dibuixats, sobreposen el perfil amb l'autoretrat, el resultat és un muntatge tipus Picasso. Molt original

Un cop fora vam fer la foto de grup:

Ara a l'escola, veurem un power point de la vida de Picasso, observarem la seva obra i  seguirem treballant el retrat i autoretrat.

dilluns, 6 de novembre del 2017

Halloween drawing competition

For Halloween we did the drawing competition with all pupils from P5 to 6th grade. 
There you are the most voted pictures, 3 of each grade:

And the 3rd level winners are:




divendres, 27 d’octubre del 2017

Peace Day

Last 21st September was Peace Day.
We celebrated it drawing our own hands and writing peace wishes on them.

divendres, 10 de març del 2017

Play: Freaky


It’s time for holiday camp and all the kids are excited about the possibilities of camping and adventure.

However, one child, Fred, seems a little different from the rest, he always wears black, he has a pet spider and he looks ....different. Everyone thinks he’s a bit weird and freaky.

 At the holiday camp Fred meets Spud and Eevie. Spud loves camping and is very excited about the camp.

 Eevie hates camping and doesn’t want to be there. She doesn’t like Fred and starts to bully him the moment they meet.

 At the end of the camp there is a dance competition, Eevie is

desperate to win but it turns out that although Fred is different and weird he is a very good dancer.

 Students have prepared the vocabulary, activities and songs before watching the play.



They have enjoyed a lot